Ohh, How Pinteresting: L-O-V-E

A little mushy-mush to accompany this beautiful Wednesday afternoon. Exactly 18 months ago today, I opened the heavy wooden door protecting my teensy basement apartment from the elements, and said hello to this guy for the very first time.

ImageYep. We’re awesome, and we’re fish.


It’s Hump Day (hallelujah), and I’m linking up with Michelle.

Oh yeah, and this week it’s devoted to the L word.
















ImageThat’s it. What did you pin this week??

The Friday Five 5/25


and just in time for May’s LAST Friday Five.

I thank you, thank you, for sticking around. It’s been one insane, crazy roller coaster of a week, and prepare to be bombarded with graduation pictures at some point in the near future. But perhaps not today. Today, we’re going to talk about SUMMER.

With Memorial Day weekend mere hours away, it’s time to start making those warm weather plans!

As The Boy and I live and love in the shadow of our nation’s capitol, where better than to first look to the District? So here I bring to you, Washington’s Summer Friday Five…


As a North Carolina girl, born and bred, ‘Que runs through my veins.

The 20th Annual Safeway Barbecue Battle

Two long Summer days, filled with “the art of barbecue in a spirit of community, family, and fun.” And let’s not forget the beer, and the music. This event will, no doubt, be a blast!


And if that crowd’s a little too much for your tastes…

There’s Jazz in the Garden.

This free concert series kicks off TONIGHT, and will run every Friday through August (but let’s not talk about the end yet. We’re just getting started), featuring “an array of jazz artists performing a wide variety of styles—including salsa, blusion, vibraphone, and Afrofunk.”

I just don’t see how you can go wrong.


For the sports lovers among us…

Summer in DC is not complete without at least one trip to Nationals Park.

With our beloved hometown Nats (okay, I’m actually a Braves fan.) currently sitting at the top of the National League East, go out and show your support. Cheer on the Presidents as they race, as long as you know that poor Teddy will never win.

Baseball is America’s favorite pastime, after all.


Art is what you make it, right?

Running through the end of September, the Smithsonian American Art Museum is featuring…

The Art of Video Games

Gamer or not (I fall in the latter category), “video games are a prevalent and increasingly expressive medium within modern society. In the forty years since the introduction of the first home video game, the field has attracted exceptional artistic talent.”

This exhibition explores the evolution of video games as art, focusing on visual effects and the use of new technologies. From Atari to the Playstation 3. I must say, I’m intrigued.


And last, but certainly not least…

Whether you live in the area, or you’re just visiting, don’t miss DC’s Screen on the Green.

Nestled between the monuments on the grand National Mall, I can imagine no better way to spend a Monday evening than to watch such incredible films as One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, or Cool Hand Luke.

Happy Summer, everyone.

Stay cool. Stay happy. Stay in love.

Wednesday, I love you.

Yes, yes. It’s Wednesday, and I’m in LOVE.

I’m loving that it’s Wednesday!

This week is dragging by, but now that it’s mid-week, only one more day stands between me and the fabulous, crazy, insane weekend that lies ahead of me.


I’m loving (and stunned by) the preparations for my Master’s graduation this weekend!


I’m loving my boss for giving me Monday off!


I’m loving the beautiful weather forecast for this weekend!


I’m loving…YOU.


I’m loving…ME.


Oh, and I’m loving this guy!


What are you loving this week??

join me in the kitchen?

Image(this is not my kitchen, but you get the idea, right?)

The Boy and I have instituted a new tradition: Kitchen dates. We run to the grocery store for dinner and evening supplies. Once we’re home, we dress for the evening (I, often, in a dress. He in his date night best) and we meet in the kitchen, and have a date. No TV. No phones. Just us.

I’m beginning to sound like a broken record, but last week was MADNESS. All of my attention was consumed by school and work, and more school. The Boy and I didn’t see much of each other last week, so the kitchen date was welcomed with open arms.

I wish I’d gotten pictures of ourselves, *SNAP* but I know The Boy took a silly video of me that will, hopefully, not be seeing the light of day.



We prepped dinner. Sausage, onions, peppers, and some food from the sea. Can’t go wrong!

Oh, and don’t worry, no cheese touched our beautiful shrimp and scallops.


We imbibed a little (responsibly).


We told some silly stories.




We had (read: I had) a little too much fun snapping pictures of Magic Hat caps.

ImageOverall, this what we did the most of. And it was fantastic!

Don’t underestimate the power of just a little bit of relaxation. After two days of nothingness, I tackled my LAST paper of the semester on Sunday with ease, a feat that wouldn’t have been possible otherwise.

How did you spend your weekend??

Remember, Monday is just another day, another chance to get it right. Happy day!

let’s do a little reinventing, shall we?

No surprise to me, I lost interest. But I’ve turned it around. Changed directions. Changed some goals.

The photos will continue (though I’m woefully behind in posting them), and I’m sure more and more photos will appear that are NOT part of my intended 365 photo chronicle. I live very near a beautiful city (whose suburbs are crowded and noisy, and not always beautiful) I don’t visit often enough. I’m madly in love with Boy. I’m but a few weeks into 25.

I love flowers, and clothes, food, and movies. But I’m not always very good at being a girl. I don’t always wear the right things. I don’t own a hair straightener, or a curling iron. In fact, the products necessary for “doing my hair” generally consist of a hairbrush and an elastic or two. And it always ends up messy. My makeup routine is much the same. I rarely leave the house bare-faced, but I don’t own eye shadow, eyeliner or lipstick. A little foundation, some blush, a touch of mascara, a tube of chapstick in my left pocket, and I’m good to go.

I’m also not very good at living in this big city. Born and raised in rural eastern North Carolina, I went to college in, again, rural southern Virginia. 5 million people in the metro area? Now, THAT is scary. This nation’s capital has been my home now, for nearly two years, but there are still places I refuse to drive, because of the traffic and the roads.

But I am a good cook. I’m a great local tourist. I’m a bit of a nerd, so I’m fascinated by museums, and the Library of Congress. I love the mall, and sushi. And bi-lingual Coca-Cola delivery drivers who stop to hold the door for, and smile at, petite brunettes rushing through the hustle and bustle of a morning commute.

My graduate degree is in its homestretch. My editing career is trending up. Boy and I have begun our “where are we going to end up after…?” conversations. The times they are certainly a’changing.

Stay tuned. This city may be too big for my britches, but it’s got a lot left to teach me.